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How Booklet Labels for Nutraceuticals Promote Sales


Reading Time: 5 minutes

A nutraceutical is defined as a “pharmaceutical-grade and standardized nutrient [that is] regulated by FDA under the authority of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.” (Wikipedia) However, in the U.S., the term nutraceutical technically lacks a legal definition.

As Wikipedia explains, “Depending on [the] ingredients [of a nutraceutical] and the claims with which it is marketed, [the] product is regulated as a drug, dietary supplement, food ingredient, or food. This means the term nutraceutical can be used broadly on product labels to let consumers know the product has a nutraceutical formulation.

However, exactly what the formulation consists of — and why it’s purported to be beneficial to health — requires more space that a typical pharmacy product label allows. In this situation, nutraceutical producers can use booklet labels — which literally contain a small booklet that’s sealed to the container — for communicating information that promotes the sale.

  1. Product Story

Nutraceuticals often have an interesting story that goes back many years, beginning when pharmaceuticals weren’t around, and what are now called nutraceuticals were used instead.

The FDA is behind the times in recognizing the medical history and medicinal benefits of natural products, but that doesn’t mean you can’t tell the story of your nutraceutical using booklet labels, and let consumers judge for themselves.

  1. Intended Use

We often eat products we know are “healthy” without knowing how they positively impact health on a cellular level, or which aspects of health they help the most. The typical pharmacy bottle label doesn’t offer much room to explicate the health benefits of a nutraceutical, but booklet labels do. Write some great copy about what your nutraceutical does and why it’s the best nutraceutical for the job. Then include the text in booklet labels.

  1. Length of Use

Some health products can be taken every day for life, while other are like antibiotics: You take them for a period of time and not again until the need re-arises. Some consumers may not understand why they can’t take a naturally derived product for as long as they wish. Booklet labels offer the opportunity to explain both the benefits of taking a nutraceutical and the importance of sticking to the recommended course.

  1. Interactions

Some health supplements are fine to take on their own but not in conjunction with other supplements. Consuming too much of a good thing and experiencing a negative side effect — which is typically not critical — is often the reason why.

If this applies to your nutraceutical, you can use booklet labels to take the time and space to explain interactions. Some consumers assume there’s no such thing as too much of a good thing, so including interaction information can be helpful for producing good health outcomes.

Contact Us Today

Flexo-Graphics has experience creating booklet labels for nutraceuticals and other health products that consumers use in lieu of or in addition to doctor-prescribed medicine. If you have a great nutraceutical to sell, and the only thing standing in the way of selling it is a great product label, one of our booklet style labels may be the perfect solution.

To get started on selecting the right label, call us today at at (262) 790-2740, or send us an email through our contact form. We look forward to hearing from you!


Creating and producing labels can be overwhelming, but our experts are here to guide you every step of the way. Whether you have a project ready to go, have questions about label applications or materials, or want to learn more about our services, our team is ready to assist you.