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“Everything Good” for Trinken Brewery


Reading Time: 6 minutes

…the idea of wanting a label that spoke to the greatness of Maine summers. Thinking back on what people love about our beautiful state in the summertime. Lakeside views, relaxation, camping, cold drinks, family and friends and lobster bakes by the ocean. Really tapping into the experience that a lot of us Mainers take for granted.

The original piece was created in Adobe Illustrator.

Every label tells a story…. Here’s the artist’s story

What is your art background like?

I started art at an early age as many people do. Dabbling in different mediums trying to find the one that really spoke to me. I really have always enjoyed the simplicity of graphite. I have been drawing since I can remember and have been doing some portrait work more recently. I picked up graphic design later on over a decade ago and really enjoyed the process of creating digitally. Creating my own freelance business focusing on branding and marketing. All self-taught for the most part.

What inspires you as an artist?

Anything can inspire me. That’s what I love about art in general. From something as simple as taking a walk in the woods and stumbling upon a beautiful natural pattern or texture, to an architecture execution that I haven’t witnessed yet. My two children inspire me on the daily. Oftentimes all it takes is something they say or something they are working on to spark my creative process. Music also has been a huge catalyst in my life when it comes to inspiration. The right track or album can move me in a way that puts me in the emotional headspace I need to execute the creative direction.

What do you hope viewers will feel/experience when they view your art?

I hope the viewer enjoys the composition and simplicity of the design. My wish is that it clearly speaks to what the subject is about and they instantly understand it at first glance.

Does this particular piece have a backstory you could share?

The backstory was thought of by my best friend and business partner, Tyle Inman. He had the idea of wanting a label that spoke to the greatness of Maine summers. Thinking back on what people love about our beautiful state in the summertime. Lakeside views, relaxation, camping, cold drinks, family and friends and lobster bakes by the ocean. Really tapping into the experience that a lot of us Mainers take for granted. The future plan is to have a label that represents each season because we are fortunate to be a true four season state.

What else would you like people to know about you, your art in general, or this piece?

I am an avid car enthusiast – F1 and rally racing lover. I also enjoy playing guitar and bass in my spare time for fun. 

Anything else? 
With not having much background in the beer community I have been enjoying how inclusive and collaborative it is. From the other breweries to the customer base. Everyone has welcomed us with open arms as we embarked at an unprecedented time during the start of the pandemic. I have come to appreciate and love the rich history of the art of brewing beer. Learning how much of a pillar it has always been in civilization and community. For us to be a small part of that history always puts a smile on my face.

The completed label incorporating the artwork

The art, can, label, and caption

Artist Fred McClelland


The labeled can

For our 45th anniversary, we created an exhibit entitled “CANVAS” celebrating the art of the can…. Or more specifically, the label art ON the cans of our beer-brewing customers. More about CANVAS

Amherst Label founded 1978 More

The complete CANVAS exhibit

Every label tells a story….

CLICK to learn more about Amherst Label’s commitment to helping breweries tell their stories.


Creating and producing labels can be overwhelming, but our experts are here to guide you every step of the way. Whether you have a project ready to go, have questions about label applications or materials, or want to learn more about our services, our team is ready to assist you.