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Feathered Friend Brewery features digital scene of birds in flight


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I draw inspiration from ingredients we are using, a cause we are supporting, or in this case the environment we live in. Living in the great state of New Hampshire gives me a lot of creative ideas, and I like to incorporate that with our brand whenever possible.

The original piece was created in Adobe Illustrator and was cropped left and right for CANVAS.

Every label tells a story…. Here’s the artist’s story

What is your art background like?

I’ve been a self-taught graphic design artist for the last 10 years of my life. It started in college when promoting bands I managed, and turned into a career in the corporate world as a marketing strategist and graphic designer. I dabbled in designing labels at Concord Craft Brewing before opening my own brewery, Feathered Friend. I have now been able to explore my artistry without constraints, which has been liberating and overwhelming.

What inspires you as an artist?

When it comes to my graphic design I base my creativity off of the product or event I am creating an identity for. For Feathered Friend… I try to include birds whenever possible. Outside of that, I draw inspiration from ingredients we are using, a cause we are supporting, or in this case the environment we live in. Living in the great state of New Hampshire gives me a lot of creative ideas, and I like to incorporate that with our brand whenever possible.

What do you hope viewers will feel/experience when they view your art?

I hope people see that we are nature enthusiasts, bird lovers, and creative in both our product and branding. We don’t try to do anything over the top, but enough to leave an impression on everyone that purchases our beer. 

Does this particular piece have a backstory you could share?

This label is a part of our experimental formation series. We always use a new backdrop with a different formation of birds which is indicative our newest inspiration and creativity. 

The completed label incorporating the artwork

The art, can, label, and caption as part of the CANVAS exhibit

Artist Tucker Jadczak


The labeled can

For our 45th anniversary, we created an exhibit entitled “CANVAS” celebrating the art of the can…. Or more specifically, the label art ON the cans of our beer-brewing customers. More about CANVAS

Amherst Label founded 1978 More

The complete CANVAS exhibit

Every label tells a story….

CLICK to learn more about Amherst Label’s commitment to helping breweries tell their stories.


Creating and producing labels can be overwhelming, but our experts are here to guide you every step of the way. Whether you have a project ready to go, have questions about label applications or materials, or want to learn more about our services, our team is ready to assist you.