Reclosure Labels for Food: What Are the Benefits?
Reclosure labels feature a temporary adhesive that allows them to be easily opened and reclosed. To open the label, simply pull gently on the tab at the front side of the opening. To close the label, just smooth it back into its original position. The back of the label is connected to the package, so placing it exactly in the original closed position is easy.
The use of reclosure labels has increased with improvements in temporary adhesive, which is designed to stay firmly in place until it’s manually peeled away with ease. Packaging food in containers that feature these types of reclosure labels has several benefits over using traditional kinds of packaging, such as paper and rigid plastic. Check out five of the benefits listed below.
- Package Stays in Better Condition
When you open a package that has a reclosure label, there is no need to tear open paper, plastic, foil, etc. Simply pull the tab open with ease. Reclosure labels practically eliminate the need to place the food in a different container, such as a resealable plastic bag, due to the original package tearing apart.
- Easy to Seal Package Completely
With conventional paper and plastic packaging, there is seldom the chance to reseal the package as firmly as it was originally sealed. Depending on the type of food in the package, weak closure seals could draw insects that are common pantry pests, such as ants, roaches, and weevils. Reclosure labels help prevent this problem.
- Almost Endless Number of Reseals
Another nice thing about reclosure labels is that you can essentially reseal them an endless number of times without the seal weakening. This makes the seals a great option for medium to large supplies of snack foods that are eaten frequently in relatively small portions, such as cookies, sandwich crackers, and nuts.
- Food Inside Package Stays Fresher
Because the package stays in good condition and its original seal can be restored countless times, the food in the package naturally stays fresher. Every producer of foodstuffs wants its products to stay fresh and edible until the expiration date, and reclosure labels can help make it happen.
- Helpful Feature for Hand Problems
One thing that’s seldom mentioned about reclosure labels is how they can benefit a certain population: people with hand problems such as arthritis and scleroderma. For many, the easily peelable and resealable labels make it easier to manipulate the package than if paper or rigid plastic were used.
About Flexo-Graphics
Flexo-Graphics provides commercial print solutions for various types of labels, coupons, containers, and more. Printing reclosure labels for food and other products is one of our specialties. Since 1983, we’ve helped businesses sell more products and make products easier for consumers and businesses to use by providing dynamic print to packaging solutions.
To inquire about your options for reclosure labels contact Flex-Graphics here! We look forward to hearing from you!
Creating and producing labels can be overwhelming, but our experts are here to guide you every step of the way. Whether you have a project ready to go, have questions about label applications or materials, or want to learn more about our services, our team is ready to assist you.