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Shane Beaton Helps Make Wishes Come True


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One late spring day, Amherst Label Account Exec Shane Beaton was walking his dog in his condo neighborhood and happened to run into Olivia (Liv) Stanas whose pup was also getting a walk. Liv mentioned a project she was enthusiastically working on: Rafting for Wishes.

As the conversation continued, Shane told Liv that he worked for a community-minded label company that liked to get involved with helpful causes. Shane offered to help by donating Rafting for Wishes labels. He checked with Amherst Label (AL) management and the immediate answer was “Yup.”

The Mission of Make a Wish is beautiful: “Together, we create life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses.” 

Rafting for Wishes is an annual fundraising event for Make-A-Wish New Hampshire. The theme is “Twenty-four hours to transform lives.“ The event brochure describes a challenging 24-hour relay-style event for which teams are asked to fundraise and stay on a raft for 24 hours. There is also a 10-hour remote option for rafting teams, where you can “raft” in a location of your choosing.

The Mission of Make a Wish is beautiful: “Together, we create life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses.” 

Shane worked with Liv to incorporate Make a Wish approved branding colors, and turn around the labels in time for the July event. Shane recommended waterproof polypropylene labels for use in the water, “knowing that they were going to be on rafts in a wet environment.”

Afterward, Liv sent Shane the photo of the child sporting her sticker. “I heard the stickers were a big hit,” said Shane. “On top of that they raised over $300,000 from the event, and with that, they’ll make some sick kids happy. Personally, it makes me feel good contributing to a cause like this.”

The stickers were a hit! Modeled by one of the event attendees is the Rafting for Wishes label.

Shane and the other Account Execs at AL get involved when customers sponsor fundraising promotions and industry collaborations. When Nye Hornor introduced the company’s three-year vision and spelled out our WHY as We Help You, it highlighted the corporate philosophy and led to the Give Back/Give Thanks program introduced later that year.

One of Shane’s first experiences when he came to work at Amherst Label was to attend a trivia fundraiser with Nye Hornor (then Amherst Label VP and Sales Manager, now the company’s President) and his wife Angela (our Special Projects Manager). Shane remembers, “The event was called ‘Are you smarter than a breakthrough student?’ supporting Breakthrough Manchester. We had a blast that night and It showed me how much AL cares about giving back to people in need and truly goes above and beyond to help the community.”

Since publication, Shane used the Give Back/Give Thanks form to ask Amherst Label to sponsor this year’s Rafting for Wishes event


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