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Transparent Labeling – Is your Bottle Ready?


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Take a look at the food manufacturing successes today and you will see that the trend towards clean and natural ingredients is leading the pack. Today’s consumer wants to know exactly what they are ingesting and they don’t want to have any hidden ingredients lurking in the shadows. Transparency in the food and drink industry is the buzzword and not surprisingly, it is spilling over into labeling as well. The idea of a “no look” or transparent label is actually fresh and cool, and having a clear label means the consumer sees more of what you want them to see – your product! If you went through the difficult process of creating the perfect brew, spirit, wine or soft drink, why wouldn’t you want to showcase it? If you are thinking about purchasing transparent labels for your next product run, there are quite a few considerations from choosing the right supplier to understanding the difficulties that may come with application.

Choosing the Right Transparent Label Supplier

If this is the first time you will be using a transparent label, then it is best to go with an experienced label supplier. They know what it takes to make sure the artwork clear and that the label will withstand its environmental conditions be they hot or cold. They will be able to recommend the proper adhesive for a smooth application. They will recommend sizing and placement, and they will produce a sample run so that you can practice the application process before taking on a large run.

Application Challenges – No One Likes Bubbling

Clear labels look cool, but getting them to look like they seamlessly fit the glass can be a real challenge. Bubbles are the biggest problem and many obstacles can get in the way – dust and air being the leading culprits. Getting the best material with proper adhesive will go a long way in reducing these problems. A good supplier can also counsel you on your application process to help you determine what will be the best solution for you. Clear labels do not come without application challenges, so working with the right supplier that can alert you to the problems and help you avoid some will prove invaluable in achieving that “no label” look.

Looking for a New Label Supplier?

If so, Flexo-Graphics is a great partner to choose. We offer a variety of label solutions for different label applications and provide a great selection of product labels, among other benefits. To learn how we can use our special expertise to create precisely the type of labels you need, please call us today at (262) 790-2740, or feel free to fill out our contact form.


Creating and producing labels can be overwhelming, but our experts are here to guide you every step of the way. Whether you have a project ready to go, have questions about label applications or materials, or want to learn more about our services, our team is ready to assist you.