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Wine Labels for Wisconsin: It’s not Just the Cheese State


Reading Time: 5 minutes

When we think of culinary treats from Wisconsin, cheese and beer immediately come to mind. But in recent years, the “cheese state”, with its revered beer breweries, has become increasingly known for a gastronomic delight that pairs well with many cheeses: wine.

For most of our national history, the Northern, Eastern, and Midwestern U.S. haven’t been popular wine destinations for a good reason. Fluctuating seasonal temperatures in these geographies make it hard to achieve the maturation of traditional wine grapes. But advancements in grape breeding have created varieties that grow well in cold climes.

It’s why other states that have cold winters like Wisconsin — such as Missouri and Vermont — have entered a beverage market that’s been largely dominated by California’s Napa Valley region. The next time you peruse a wine section looking for a complex tasting red, take a look at the labeling; you might see wine labels with Wisconsin vineyard scenes printed on them.

Wine Labels for Wisconsin

The challenges of bringing new wine to market start with creating a beverage that tickles taste buds in just the right way — and ideally pairs well with certain foodstuffs to create marketing synergy that bolsters sales. Then comes the need for a bottling solution, which entails the need for a labeling solution.

At first glance, a well-done wine label can seem like a bow atop a gift box — a nice piece of print work that connotes the luxuriousness of the libation behind the cork but seems mainly used for show. In reality, what seems like a final piece of design flair can be a gatekeeper to the purchase of the product.

Wines of a specific variety generally look the same inside the bottle. It’s the label that catches shoppers’ attention — and there are three major attention grabbing elements: the label’s aesthetic design, physical condition, and printed information.

If you’re a Wisconsinite who’s ready to release a great new wine to the world, these are the label areas to focus on when choosing a wine label supplier, along with considering label supply options.

What Flexo-Graphics Offers

At Flexo-Graphics, we grow our business by staying current on label supply needs for emerging markets. Wisconsin wine is one of these markets — a flourishing niche market in the wine industry that grows with each Wisconsin wine tasting.

We ensure that a label contains all FDA required and value-added information, make sure the label has the right adhesive and facestock for shipping and storage conditions, and provide labels that skillfully feature your brand, designs, and important text. In addition, we can supply wine labels for Wisconsin wine in practically any volume you require, on the schedule you need.

Wisconsin has a long tradition of great cheeses and beers. Now wine has entered the culinary equation, too. To learn more about our capabilities and how we can support your product with labels for Wisconsin wine, call us today at (262) 790-2740, or send us an email using our contact form. Let’s toast to your success!


Creating and producing labels can be overwhelming, but our experts are here to guide you every step of the way. Whether you have a project ready to go, have questions about label applications or materials, or want to learn more about our services, our team is ready to assist you.