More Space, Less Environmental Impact: Ino-Reduce Extended Content Labels
From customers in nearly every industry, we hear regularly about their needs for more sustainable label solutions. Over the last several years we have worked to provide a wide variety of more sustainable label solutions, from post-consumer waste material options to thinner liners and much more, which you can learn more about here.
In certain regulated product industries, however, it can be difficult for companies to find ways to reduce secondary packaging and label materials because of requirements for information that must be printed on the product. We’re proud to announce that we have a unique solution for those brands who need extended content and booklet labels but still want to minimize their environmental impact: introducing Ino-Reduce Labels.
Our Ino-Reduce ECL Labels are specialty resealable booklet and extended content labels made from ultra-thin materials to allow for more labels per roll. On top of reducing environmental impact, there are a number of benefits to this label solution where reduction and savings are the name of the game.
Reduced Roll size
Since more labels can be wound onto a single roll because the material is so thin, roll sizes are reduced. Smaller label rolls equate to reduced tension in the label for a smoother application. Smaller rolls also lead to reduced downtime between roll changes for higher production efficiencies.
Reduced Storage & Transportation Costs
With smaller rolls, there will also be fewer rolls per order. With fewer rolls and smaller roll size, the storage space required for your label rolls will also be reduced. The smaller and fewer rolls also will lead to a reduction in pallets of product and lower transportation costs.
Energy Savings
All of the above listed reductions in label roll size and number of rolls lead to energy savings throughout the supply chain. With more efficient production for you, your energy use is smaller. With fewer pallets, we will ultimately see a reduction in the number of trucks used for transportation and a corresponding reduction of air pollution and resource use.
At Inovar Packaging Group, we recognize the vital roll our industry can play in more sustainable production. Contact us now to learn more about Ino-Reduce Extended Content Labels and our other sustainable label and packaging solutions.
Creating and producing labels can be overwhelming, but our experts are here to guide you every step of the way. Whether you have a project ready to go, have questions about label applications or materials, or want to learn more about our services, our team is ready to assist you.